The lovely Jeanette's family arranged this extended family portrait session to coincide with their weekend of celebrations for her 80th birthday. Proud Grandparents always appreciate family photographs, and these photos will be especially treasured.
The family including her two daughters, and three grand daughters had all travelled to Sydney for the weekend, with a special night out. So we met in The Rocks in the late afternoon for these portraits, before they all headed out to dinner. I really enjoyed my time with the whole family which was all laughs.
Then two days later I received an email from one of Jeanette's daughters telling me that she had suffered a stroke on the Sunday and was paralised down her right side, so I sent over some photos of the whole family for her to have beside her bed in hospital. Life is strange with its twists and turns, and I'm sure this whole family appreciates this time they had together, and the photos which capture their memories, and this beautiful, bubbly lady, with the infectious smile.