What do you do when there is lots of rain on a family portrait session.... embrass it and jump in the puddles!

We photograph Peter & Callum every 6 months or so for family portraits they send home to family in England, this time they were camping down at Narrabeen Lakes, and as always happens when people plan on camping it rained! So we embrassed it and went to Jamieson Park on the more protected side of the lake (out of the rain) and dressed in waterproofs and gum boots to jump in the puddles...... lots of fun.

Thanks Peter & Callum as always we captured your fun, we missed Onyx (the family labrador) this time but I'm sure we'll see him next time x
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles

Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
Family Portrait Photography Sydney Narrabeen Lakes Splashing in Puddles
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Phone: 0402 444 311

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